What do people say about Cardrew Court School?
" My child is now accessing education, feeling safe in an education setting."
"My child had limited access to education before coming to Cardrew Court school, and now they are studying GCSE's and enjoying school."
" My child is beginning to feel safe and secure within school. They are building resilience and coming home less overwhelmed and stressed."
"My child is now able to leave the house more."
"I am very happy with the progress and general changed attitude and wellbeing since my child started this school in September."
" We could not be more grateful for the support our child is receiving here at CCS."
"It feels like we have our child back".
"My son has been attending Cardrew Court School since September 2025. Originally, he started on a part time timetable with alternative provision in place which has been reduced over time to now he attends Cardrew Court School full time. Before he attended Cardrew Court, he was out of school on alternative provision and struggling to engage with learning. Any attempt of learning, he would dysregulate and try to elope. It got to a point that he was no longer being taught in the classroom in his peers.
Since he has attended Cardrew Court, he is now in full time education and is engaging with lessons and engaging with his peers. He is able to access his learning in the classroom with his peers, he is enjoying all of the lessons, especially cooking, outdoor education and the clubs.
All the staff at Cardrew Court have been an important part in our son's healing from the trauma of past experiences. They reassure him daily, he is able to call me whenever he needs to and the staff are able to put support in place for him so he is able to engage with the lessons. As a parent, I feel able to speak to staff about any concerns I have related to my child. I feel listened to and any concerns are taken seriously. I have found that the staff are proactive and have contacted relevant professionals to ensure the support in place, is correct or if it needs to be adjusted or changed. If there are any concerns, we work together as a team around my son."
In our pre registration report- June 2024 Ofsted said...
Leaders have developed a curriculum to enable pupils aged seven to 16 to make progress. They intend to use assessment to identify any gaps in pupils’ knowledge. The curriculum will be organised so that pupils spend time catching up, for example, in reading, but also learning content from the national curriculum appropriate for their key stage..
The curriculum for personal, social and health education is well designed. It includes the information that pupils need to keep themselves safe as they grow up. The plans include appropriate content on relationship and health education for primary-aged pupils and on relationships, sex and health education for secondary-age pupils.
The school’s safeguarding policy, which is published on the website, is comprehensive. Leaders are knowledgeable about the guidance from the Department of Education and reflect this in their policies.
The headteacher is an experienced designated safeguarding lead. The proprietor intends to appoint a deputy safeguarding lead to provide additional capacity. Leaders are well versed in the local systems and contacts they will need to keep pupils safe.