Safeguarding links for Pupils
As part of the safeguarding team @ Cardrew Court School, it is our responsibility to record, co-ordinate and manage the safeguarding needs of all pupils, staff and the wider school community. Part of this duty is signposting our pupils, parents and carers to relevant information, websites and contacts.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead: DSL: Kerry Towers
These links are full of self-care resources created specifically for young people:
This is an app specifically for supporting young people with mental health and emotional wellbeing:
Young Minds have some resources that speak directly to young people:
Then, of course, there is Childline, who also have an app, called 'ForMe':
There is also a text number young people can use if they are in a crisis, simply by texting SHOUT to 85258