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Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is a planned programme of learning opportunities and experiences that help children and young people grow and develop as individuals and as members of families and of social and economic communities.


At Cardrew Court School we aim to provide a safe, positive learning environment where our learners feel they belong, can believe in themselves, developing confidence and resilience as learners. We support them to achieve the desired outcomes to be successful in their next steps on the path to the world of work and independence, well-prepared for life and adulthood, who are keen to make a difference to the world they live in.

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education is a crucial part of a child’s education. It gives children access to critical information about themselves and the many facets of the diverse world around them. At Cardrew Court School we provide a specifically tailored curriculum that is both broad and balanced, and meets the unique context of our school. We give pupils access to big ideas and conversations, alongside practical experiences.

At Cardrew Court school, we promote the following school values:



Our personal, social, health and economic scheme of work focusses on relationships, health and wellbeing and living in the wider world. Careers and online safety are a key feature within our scheme. 

We incorporate the British Values of mutual respect, rule of law, individual liberty, tolerance and democracy. Alongside this, we promote the protected characteristics of race, sex, marriage and civil partnerships, age, disability and religion and beliefs.


Our PSHE curriculum is based on the PSHE association's recommendations as well as incorporating Evolve's Online Safety scheme of work. The Evolve scheme provides resources and developmental knowledge and skills and is mapped out to ensure coverage. The PSHE scheme is resourced using the PSHE association, Boost PSHE resources and specialist resources to elicit information within a particular focus.

The final two weeks of every half-term is focussed on developing learner's knowledge and skills of careers. There is a separate scheme of work for careers to ensure the development of learner's employability skills. Skillsbuilder provides the structure for the development of these skills. Careers provides the opportunity for virtual and real-life work experience.

The work encompasses opportunities for discussion and reflection to develop learner's knowledge and skills. It also incorporates visits and visitors, to develop an awareness of the wider community and the different experiences and views of others.


Learners leave our school with PSHE having played a key role in their education. The impact of a good PSHE education cannot be understated. Quite simply, it forms the preparation for adult life, enabling a child to understand and face the challenges, complexities and questions that arise in a diverse world. Impact can be measured in a variety of ways. At Cardrew Court, we recognise and celebrate the importance of the learner’s voice, and their individual experience of PSHE education. Pupil voice, and lessons captured via images or writing, will form the heart of how we measure the impact of our teaching.

The skills that learners at Cardrew Court will develop will include, but are not limited to:

              ● Knowledge of their inherent, indivisible, inalienable, unconditional and universal rights, and how these rights can                    and should be protected

              ● knowledge of our diverse and complex world, and an empathy and respect for the rights of all individuals

              ● Positive and constructive communication, with developed oracy skills

              ● Resilience and self-regulation, and a keen understanding of their own health and wellbeing, especially                                            supporting their mental and emotional development

           ● Risk management and balanced decision-making, within the context of a changing and challenging world

These skills are transferable to all other areas of the curriculum, and will help learners to understand these areas in new ways. Additionally, these ‘soft skills’ form the basis of a learner’s wider development and experience. The ability to recognise and develop good relationships, the reinforcement of positive mental and physical health, understanding how their body and making informed decisions, the development of respect and tolerance for all, an understanding of society and the role of the individual in a community – these are the skills that will equip our learners for life.

Their focus in PSHE will support the progress to the next stage of their chosen path to independence and the next stage in their lives, be it in further education or as an apprentice. We aim to provide our youngsters with the skills necessary in order to continue along their journey to achieve their goals.​