Through history, pupils come to understand their place in the world, and in the long story of human development. The study of history challenges pupils to make sense of the striking similarities and vast human experiences across time and place. (DfE)
Geography speaks directly to young people's curiosity, wonder and concern for the world around them. It is a subject that can provide them with the knowledge and competencies they need to understand and contribute to the world they live in. (Geographical Association)
At Cardrew Court School we aim to provide a safe, positive learning environment where our learners feel they belong, can believe in themselves, develop confidence and resilience as learners. We support them to achieve the desired outcomes to be successful in their next steps on the path to the world of work and independence, well-prepared for life and adulthood, who are keen to make a difference to the world they live in.
We aim to make accessible and enjoyable, a broad and balanced Humanities Curriculum which enables pupils to make ever more sense of themselves, others and the world around them.
Our Humanities curriculum allows our pupils to explore people and places from the past, present and future in this country and the wider world. It supports learners' understanding of the culture in which we live as well as the wider world around us. The curriculum investigates the physical processes of the planet, human societies and the economic and environmental challenges within the local, national and global context. It provides opportunities to explore different people's perspectives on a range of issues and events as well as reflect on the impact of peoples' actions.
Our Humanities curriculum is focused on the National Curriculum until the end of Key Stage 3. Each half-term we teach History or Geography. There is a focus on building up learners' geographical and historical knowledge and skills. This is mapped out to ensure coverage. Units of work are often linked to texts and artwork where there is a natural link.
We use
to support teaching and learning.
The work encompasses opportunities for discussion and reflection to develop a learner's knowledge and skills. It also incorporates visits and fieldwork trips.
Learners will have developed a curiosity and fascination for the world around them, supporting them to become active and respectful members of their community. Learners will have developed their knowledge of the world around them and the impact they can have on the world. Learners will have gained cultural capital, providing knowledge to help them shape their perspective on current issues affecting our society as well as being more reflective of their own and others' actions.
Learners may choose to follow an accreditation pathway in geography as an option and can offer history if learners have a particular interest in this subject.
Careers in Geography
- Ecologist
- Environmental consultant
- Meteorologist
- Surveyor
- Town Planner
- Journalist
- Landscape Architect
- Astronomer
Careers in History
- Museum Curator
- Archaeologist
- Conservationist
- Heritage Site Leader
- Archivist
- Conservation Officer